One On One With Osho (Preview)

Osho, a contemporary mystic has spoken on virtually every aspect of human consciousness. In these talks, the human mind is put under the microscope as never before, analyzed down to the smallest wrinkle. These are excerpts from rarely seen interviews between Osho and members of the international Press. Journalists from all over the world would meet him and these are some selected highlights to enjoy. 'To Live Joyfully is Natural' Excerpt from an interview with Bill Harlan, Denver Post.

OSHO: Why I Am Talking on Zen

"Zen is going to be paving the path for the new man to come, and for the new humanity to emerge. That's why I am talking so much on Zen. It is not without purpose." ============================================ Get access to a new complete Osho talk video everyday. Plus a collection of talks on subjects that matter to you: love, meditation, psychology, emotions, sex, money, power and many others. Sign up to enjoy all this and more!

OSHO: Listening With Silence Can Transform Your Being

"Who is listening to me? Is it just your mind? If it is just your mind it is not going to transform your being." ============================================ Get access to a new complete Osho talk video everyday. Plus a collection of talks on subjects that matter to you: love, meditation, psychology, emotions, sex, money, power and many others. Sign up to enjoy all this and more!