Osho: I Have Been Keeping a Secret My Whole Life — Now the Complete Answer

“I had always wanted not to be a Master to anybody. But people want a Master, they want to be disciples; hence, I played the role. It is time that I should say to you that now many of you are ready to accept me as the friend. Those who are in tune with me continuously, without any break, are the only real friends.” Upgrade your subscription. An ongoing series of full length talks with a new talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on various themes.

OSHO: I Respect Money (Preview)

"Life needs money because life needs comforts, life needs good food, life needs good clothes, good houses. Life needs beautiful literature, music, art, poetry. Life is vast! And a man who cannot understand classical music is poor. He is deaf. He may hear -- his eyes, his ears, his nose, all his senses will be perfectly right medically -- but metaphysically... ============================================ A new full length talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on subjects that matter to you: love, meditation, psychology, emotions, sex, money, power and many others.

OSHO: Books I Have Loved

"To me a book is not just a book; it is a love affair... I have loved reading from my very childhood. My own personal library consisted of one hundred fifty thousand rare books of all the religions, philosophies, poetry, literature. And I have read all of them, but with no purpose; I enjoyed it." The OSHO Library is maintained by Osho International Foundation. With the exception of about 1O,OOO, which have been gathered on his request after he stopped reading, all of these books have been read, signed and dated by Osho.

OSHO: For Thirty-two Years I Have Been Absolutely Nothing

"I don't have any biography - and whatsoever is thought to be biography is utterly meaningless. On what date I was born, in what country I was born, does not matter. What matters is what I am now, right here". Osho You can upgrade your subscription. An ongoing series of full length talks with a new talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on various themes.

OSHO: I Am a Spiritual Playboy

Osho declares himself a spiritual playboy – nothing wrong with that. His whole life effort is to bring Zorba and Buddha closer to remove the dichotomy of the spiritual and the material. His vision is to have the spiritual and the material as one whole – they are. A new full length talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on subjects that matter to you: love, meditation, psychology, emotions, sex, money, power and many others. Sign up to enjoy all this and more!

OSHO: My Whole Life is Full of Jokes

"Gautam Buddha said as his last statement: "Be a light unto yourself." The day I leave the body please remind me, so that I can make my last statement: "Be a joke unto yourself." That is far more joyful than being a light unto yourself." Osho ============================================ A new full length talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on subjects that matter to you: love, meditation, psychology, emotions, sex, money, power and many others. Sign up to enjoy all this and more!

OSHO: I Leave You My Dream

Over time Osho had his disciples well prepared for his departure. "It has been always a great moment in the lives of disciples when the master leaves the body. And it is possible because the master can know when he is going to leave the body – he can collect all those who have been his fellow travelers moving in the same way. Now that he is leaving he would like to give you his last gift." This video shows the events and celebrations around his departure.