OSHO International Meditation Resort

L'esplosione silenziosa - Una visita all'Osho International Meditation Resort

L'OSHO International Meditation Resort, un esperimento unico creato per riflettere la visione di Osho, si trova nel cuore di Koregaon Park a Pune, in India, a circa 150 chilometri da Mumbai, in direzione sudest. È la più grande struttura di questo tipo esistente al mondo, e attrae ogni anno migliaia di visitatori dall'India e da tutto il mondo.

OSHO: Tai Chi

The Chinese Taoist tradition has a method known as "Tai-Chi". It is a method of centering, a method of witnessing. They say do whatsoever, but remain conscious of the center at the navel. Walking, be conscious of the center at the navel. Eating, be conscious of the center at the navel. Fighting, be conscious of the center at the navel. Do whatsoever you are doing, but remain conscious of one thing: that you are centered in the navel. Again, if you are conscious of the navel, you cannot think. The moment you begin to think, you will not be conscious of the navel.

OSHO: Sufi Whirling

"There is a method, a Sufi method know as dervish dancing. Sufis dance. You might have observed small children whirling, dancing round and round and then getting in a whirl... And small children like whirling. Why? -- because when they whirl, they get a deep kick, and in that kick they again feel themselves beyond the body. And that's a beautiful experience -- that's why they like it. Studying this whirling of children, Sufis have developed a method, a meditation method -- they turn, whirl. ...

OSHO Hypnosis

"The secret of hypnosis is that it takes you to the unconscious, and then you can put the seed of anything in the unconscious, and it will grow, blossom. The blossoming will happen in the conscious, but the roots will remain in the unconscious. As far as I am concerned, hypnosis is going to be one of the most significant parts of the mystery school. Such a simple method, which only demands a little trust, a little innocence, can bring miraculous changes in your life -- and not in ordinary things only.

OSHO TEERTH, Ecological Park Project

OSHO Teerth, created in 1994 and maintained by OSHO International Foundation is located in Pune City, India. It is a beautiful garden park that has been created out of a publicly owned former wasteland surrounding a sewage-ridden stream, called a nalla. Where once existed a dirty, foul-smelling area shunned by plants, birds and human alike, there now is a quiet expanse filled with clear flowing water, lush green trees and a rainbow of flora and fauna.


OSHOインターナショナル・メディテーション・リゾート http://www.osho.com/visit Osho International Foundation- www.osho.com: この緑豊かで現代的な40エーカーのキャンパスは、自然と21世紀が、内側と外側の両方で溶け合う、熱帯のオアシスです。白い大理石の小道、優雅な黒い建物、豊かな緑と、オリンピックサイズのプールがある、あなた自身のための時間をとるのに完璧な環境です。 ここは、あなたがただくつろぎ、そして100カ国以上のさまざまな年齢層の訪問者たちとの出会いも楽しめる場所です。あなたは、何かをしたいのか、またはただ休息し、泳いだり、瞑想したいのか——あるいは、ただ在りたいのか——選ぶことができます。 簡単なOshoアクティブメディテーションをやってみましょう。それは、現代人の緊張しきったマインドとストレスを抱えた身体のため、特にデザインされたテクニックです。

EXPERIENCES from the OSHO International Meditation Resort

EXPERIENCES from the OSHO International Meditation Resort Location: Located 100 miles southeast of Mumbai in the thriving modern city of Pune, India, the OSHO International Meditation Resort is a holiday destination with a difference. The Meditation Resort is spread over 40 acres of spectacular gardens in a gorgeous tree-lined residential area. Uniqueness: Each year the meditation resort welcomes thousands of people from more than 100 countries.

The Silent Explosion - A visit to the Osho International Meditation Resort

"This place is a new place. It is not a traditional place, not a by-product of the past, it is a seed for the future and a source." Located 100 miles southeast of Mumbai in the thriving modern city of Pune, India, the OSHO International Meditation Resort is a holiday destination with a difference. The Meditation Resort is spread over 40 acres of spectacular gardens in a gorgeous tree-lined residential area. Uniqueness: Each year the meditation resort welcomes thousands of people from more than 100 countries.