OSHO Monsoon Music and Meditation Festival Invitation 2016

Music and dance have always been an important part of meditation at the OSHO International Meditation Resort. When celebration dances with meditation you can achieve the impossible – eat your cake and have it too. That’s what thousands of people were doing between 11-15th of August during this year’s festival in Pune, India. Along with the full program of meditations in the OSHO Auditorium and in Chuang Tzu Auditorium, every day a new and vibrant band of musicians came to entertain and add to the energy of the meditators.

OSHO: General Meeting, Buddha Hall, Pune, 19. May 1989

Read a transcript of this meeting here: https://www.oshotimes.com/osho-news/general-meeting-buddha-hall-may-198… Enjoy the OSHO Experience yourself at the OSHO International Meditation Resort: https://www.osho.com/visit You can participate in a full program of: OSHO Meditations: https://www.osho.com/meditate OSHO Active Meditations: https:/

The Experience — The OSHO International Meditation Resort

Welcome to the OSHO INTERNATIONAL MEDITATION RESORT, located in Pune, India. This film — "The Experience", highlights the campus beauty, offerings available to participants — and more… in the spontaneous sharing of four individuals and their unique experiences. "This place is a new place.

Love Life

"Live your life totally, be drunk with the divine through life." ============================================ Choose a playlist with subtitles in your language here https://www.youtube.com/OSHOInternational/playlists ============================================ A new full length talk available everyday. Plus a collection of talks on subjects that matter to you: love, meditation, psychology, emotions, sex, money, power and many others. Sign up to enjoy all this and more!

OSHO: Kabir - Buddha Aur Meera Ka Sangam

"वह घड़ी, वह संध्याकाल--जहां मीरा होश में आ जाती है और जहां बुद्ध नाचने लगते हैं, उसका नाम है--खुमारी। पीवत रामरस लगी खुमारी!" Osho OSHO Hindi चैनल के सदस्यता लें - JOIN बटन पर click करें। 💕 सम्पूर्ण श्रंखलायें और विषयबद्ध टॉक्स का संकलन। शुल्क: ₹159 प्रति माह💕 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Qv9cHXwzTTAczQud_6WzA/join OSHO के प्रयोगों का स्वयं अनुभव करें http://www.osho.com/hi/ OSHO International ऑनलाइन कोर्सेस

OSHO: Yah To Madhushala Hai यह तो मधुशाला है

"यह तो मैखाना है, मधुशाला है। यहां तो पियक्कड़ों की जमात है। ये रिंद बैठे हैं। यहां तो अदृश्य शराब पीई जा रही है, पिलाई जा रही है। अगर पीना हो, तो पीओ। और अगर हिम्मत हो, तो ही पी पाओगे। क्योंकि यहां किसी परंपरा की बात नहीं हो रही है। यहां शुद्ध सत्य की बात हो रही है।" Osho OSHO के प्रयोगों का स्वयं अनुभव करें OSHO International Meditation Resort में: http://www.osho.com/hi/visit एक सम्पूर्ण कार्यक्रम में भाग ले सकते हैं, जिसमे OSHO Meditations, OSHO Active Meditations और OSHO Multiversity शामिल हैं। OSHO ध्यान